The Jefferiss Wing Sexual Health Clinic At St. Marys

Sex is an enjoyable pastime but sometimes with promiscuity you can end up with a few things you could well do without. While some matters are easily treated, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be more problematic. Which is where the world renowned Jefferiss wing at St Mary's Hospital can step into assist with a range of advice and treatments available on site for both out patients and those staying a little longer than they would have preferred.

The Jefferiss Wing deals with both male and female symptoms which may arise from having unprotected sex. It is always advisable to wear protection, either male or female condoms if you are having sexing with someone you either don't know really well or are unsure of their faithfulness or you are both in open relationships.

The female and male symptoms which the Jefferiss Wing's sexual health clinic can deal with are; Itching, swelling or redness around the penis or vagina, irritation or pain in the penis or vagina, discharges or leaking, Pain passing urine or a change in vaginal discharge, Abnormal vaginal bleeding and Pain or swelling in the testicles or scrotum.

Most of these cases can be treated on the fly at the Walk-in-clinic which offers a FREE and friendly but almost certainly confidential service to any member of the public. These services are free to both promote good sexual health and ensure that any STI's don't go mainstream in the general population. Aside from the above, any Painful or painless blisters, sores or lumps in the pubic or genital area, Lumps around or inside the anus, Abdominal pain or pain during sex, discharge or bleeding from the anus and Pains in the lower abdomen can also be diagnosed fully and hopefully treated.

Young people's Sexual Health Services: While young people may enjoy sex, their parents may not know. Should you require personal advice and confidentiality then simply pop into St. Mary's hospital to gain access to Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia and HIV, Free condoms, Emergency contraception, Pregnancy testing. Advice on pregnancy and abortion is also available at the daily clinic.

There are also a variety human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) Services available alongside a dedicated HIV services And Rapid HIV testing clinic. The walk in clinic, which is free to attend either by appointment or otherwise, is open, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.